Say Anything, but Phrase It the Right Way
Published: January 15, 2011
This interview with Robin Domeniconi, senior vice president and chief brand officer for the Elle Group, was conducted and condensed by Adam Bryant
Although much of this article refers to a corporate business environment, some of the comments reflect how interviewers think and feel--and that is important to note. We highly recommend checking in with our Professional Development Center to a schedule mock interview which can be taped for students viewing. For legal employment, you really cannot say just anything, in fact, students need to be mindful that what they say will be seriously considered. Speaking is a professional skill and interviewing a candidate offers an employer a chance to hear how someone might speak in legal practice.
Being considerate, punctual, and prepared for an interview is critical. Know your employer by researching their business and issues. Tuning-in to the interviewers, their questions, and asking them questions as this article suggests is also important. Interviews bring "life" to the resume and give people a chance to know who might work next to them. Hiring is a major investment and that is why interviews are so important. I've heard employers say that they interview to get a "feel" for the individual-- "whether there is a fit". Questions about interviewing? Students should contact their UW professional coach. All the best to everyone as interviewing season heats up.