Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Networking, Part 4

Last week, we talked about expanding your Level 3 connections at CLEs, job fair and other presentations. This week, we’re talking about how to expand your Level 3 contacts at networking or social/informal events.

Before you go, prepare!

- Attend as many receptions and networking events as possible so you can practice working a room before it really counts

- Before attending, get organized and do your research. Try to find out who will be there and then try to find information about other guests you want to meet.

- Prepare an practice a short script so you know how to introduce yourself. It’s good to say your name, school you attend and year, and perhaps your reason for attend the event – all in ten seconds.

- Skim the news before each event so you can talk intelligently about current events.

Food & Drink:

- Always eat before the event – your main goal is to meet people, not to satiate yourself

- Hold your drink in your left hand so you can shake hands with a warm, dry hand

- Keep only a small amount of food on your plate at any one time; stick with small foods that are easy to eat with one hand and take small bites you are readily available to answer questions and make introductions

- Drink alcohol in moderation

- Do not chew gum

- Don’t camp out at the refreshment or beverage table

What to Wear & What to Bring:

- Go for business casual (slack or skirt with blouse, sweater or collared shirt). Ties and sport coats are appropriate too.

- If you’re not sure what to wear, ask a colleague, email the event organizer, or check the event website for attire instructions or photos of previous events. When in doubt, err on the side of conservative and dressy.

- Professional-looking purses and briefcases are appropriate, but keep in mind that you want to keep your hands free so you can shake hands and exchange business cards. Try not to bring your backpack, lunch sack or other unnecessary baggage.

- Where your name tag on your right side so it is easy to read when shaking hands. Be sure to write legibly on your name tag.


- Ample supply of business cards and 1-2 business holders (a place for your cards and a place for the cards you receive)

- Breath mints

- One or two nice writing pens

- Napkin or handkerchief

- Knowledge of the event you’re attending and, if possible, knowledge of other guests

- Knowledge of current events

- Positive attitude