Given that this is finals week for some of you, we’re going to wrap up our Professional Development Tips of the Week early for spring quarter. We’ve been discussing the intangible traits and qualities that firms and organizations are looking for in new attorneys as well as tips for how to improve those qualities in yourself. Today, we’re going to summarize all of the qualities and each tip to improve your performance in those areas.
Knowledge of Current Events
- Read a local and a national newspaper daily
- Subscribe to a list serve for a practice area that interests you
- Download an app with today’s headlines
- Watch the news as you’re getting up or going to bed
- Subscribe to an RSS feed
- Make GoogleNews your homepage and spend time reading the articles
- Read a magazine like the Economist, Times, or an ABA journal (many can be found in our library!)
- Take your clothing and dress cues from the leadership of your firm or organization
- Ask: Does my appearance today help me serve my clients and represent my firm/organization to the public?
Personal Reputation
- Find a mentor in your organization who isn’t your supervisor (don’t worry about getting the most prestigious mentor, just find someone you respect and with whom you “click”)
- Be aware that all of these qualities will help build your personal reputation
- You are only as good a lawyer as your secretary, receptionist and paralegal allow you to be
- Every person in the workplace deserves respect – from the mail room staff to the office managers, receptionists to administrative assistants
- Take the high road (no matter how low the opposing counsel is willing to go)
- Treat everyone (clients, opposing counsel, judges, attorneys in your office, support staff, etc) with respect
- Look for opportunities to acknowledge the work of your peers; sharing credit will bring you more respect than claiming you did it all on your own
- Thank your support staff privately, publicly and often
- Say yes, whenever possible, especially to new and/or interesting opportunities
- You can say no, so long as you’re saying yes more often than no
- Learning new things is one of the best parts of being a lawyer
- Never say that you cannot do something because you haven’t done it before – be willing to learn!
- (See the first tip under Flexibility)
Client Service
- You are part of every client’s legal team, whether you’re name is on the notice of appearance or not
- Find a way to remind yourself who your client is, even if you’ve never met them
- Say yes to opportunities to help another attorney with a case or project
- No task is beneath anyone
- Be early: 5 minutes early for internal meetings or events, and 15 minutes early for external meetings or events
- If you have trouble remembering appointments, try using an alarm
Time Management
- Make a plan for each assignment and book “flex time” in case something goes wrong
- Schedule time for revisions and edits
- Put your plan into your calendar; do not double-book multiple assignments
- Spend at least 15 minutes every morning planning your work (or reviewing your plan) for the day/week
- Proofread!
- Turn in finished work product, not drafts, even if it is a “draft” for your supervising attorney
- Ask for feedback on your work – writing, oral advocacy and client communication skills can only improve if you ask for and respond to feedback
- Be careful with alcohol. A senior lawyer’s offer to get a drink is not an invitation to let your hair down and get sloppy.
- Never eat lunch alone. Use lunches as an opportunity to meet practicing attorneys and start building your legal community.
- Say yes to social invitations
- Be a “team player” – optimistic, positive, and helpful
- Check in with your supervisor and mentor to make sure you’re following the right leads
- Be sure to manage your time wisely (see above, Time Management) so that you can say yes when opportunities present themselves
- Find your niche – follow your interests and your passion
- Meet great people and take the time to get to know the interesting people around you, whether clients, attorneys, staff or others
- Learn how to be an exceptional lawyer and enjoy lawyering
This year, the Professional Development Tips of the Week have covered networking, interviewing and the intangible qualities that firms and organizations look for in new attorneys. If you have an idea for topics you’d like to see us cover over the summer or next year, please email us!